Sunday, May 20, 2012

ICX Timeout Profile Values

  • ICX Timeout Profile Values
The following E-Business Suite profile options control screen timeouts for Forms, as well as Self Service sessions.  Again, please note, some of the ICX profiles also control Forms Session timeouts!  This can be confusing since Inter-Cartridge Exchange (ICX) is often associated with Self Service applications. This is no longer the case since the release of Framework for the ICX Profiles control the timeout functionality.

ICX:Session Timeout
30 (minutes)
ICX: Limit Time
4 (hours)
4 (hours)
ICX: Limit Connect
·         ICX:Session Timeout - This profile option determines the length of time (in minutes) of inactivity in a user's form session before the session is disabled.  Note that disabled does not mean terminated or killed.  The user is provided the opportunity to re-authenticate and re-enable their timed-out session. If the re-authentication is successful, the disabled session is re-enabled and no work is lost. Otherwise, the session is terminated without saving pending work.  This functionality is available via Patch 2012308 (included in 11.5.7, FND.E).  Note: Setting the profile value to greater than 30 minutes can drain the JVM resources and cause ‘out of memory’ errors.
·         ICX: Limit time - This profile option defines the maximum connection time for a connection – regardless of user activity.  If 'ICX:Session Timeout' is set to NULL, then the session will last only as long as 'ICX: Limit Time', regardless of user activity. 
·         ICX: Limit connect - This profile option defines the maximum number of connection requests a user can make in a single session. Note that other EBS internal checks will generate connection requests during a user session, so it is not just user activity that can increment the count. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

OEM Console page not bale open

Issue :
started OEM but not able to open in IE  getting error

I tried

getting Error :'The webpage cannot be found'

1.emctl stop dbconsole
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2008 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Stopping Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control ...
all attemps to stop oc4j failed... now trying to kill 9
--- Failed to shutdown DBConsole Gracefully ---


1. emctl stop dbsoncole
2.kill agent related proceses

3.emctl start dbconsole

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Customer Number Skips When Automatic Customer Numbering On

While creating new customers the Customer Number is not generated sequentially, and often has gaps of 20

Solution :

1) Run the following sql.

SELECT sequence_owner ,sequence_name, increment_by, cache_size ,last_number
FROM dba_sequences seq
WHERE seq.sequence_name like 'HZ_ACCOUNT_NUM_S' ;

If the cache is not = 0 set it to zero using the following alter statement :



Ref:  397212.1

Saturday, May 12, 2012

AFPASSWD Utility in R12

AFPASSWD is an enhanced version of FNDCPASS, and includes the following features:
• AFPASSWD only prompts for passwords required for the current operation,
allowing separation of duties between applications administrators and database
administrators. This also improves interoperability with Oracle Database Vault. In
contrast, the FNDCPASS utility currently requires specification of the APPS and the
SYSTEM usernames and corresponding passwords, preventing separation of duties
between applications administrators and database administrators.
• When changing a password with AFPASSWD, the user is prompted to enter the
new password twice to confirm.
• AFPASSWD can be run from the database tier as well as the application tier. In
contrast, FNDCPASS can only be run from the application tier.
FNDCPASS will continue to be shipped with Oracle E-Business Suite, and customers
can migrate to the AFPASSWD utility at their discretion.
Important: The FNDCPASS utility must still be used to migrate the
password hashing scheme, as described in My Oracle Support
Document 457166.1, FNDCPASS Utility New Feature: Enhance Security
With Non-Reversible Hash Password.
The AFPASSWD command is used with the relevant command line options to perform
the desired action.

These options have the following functions:
-c {APPSUSER}[@{TWO_TASK}] - Specifies the connection string to use, the
Applications user, and/or the value of TWO_TASK. This option can be use in
combination with others. If it is not specified, default values from the environment
will be used.
Note: The password will be prompted for, and is not to be
provided in the connection string.
-f {FNDUSER} - Changes the password for an Applications user. A username that
contains spaces must be enclosed in double quotation marks; for example, "JOHN
-o {DBUSER} - Changes the password for an Oracle E-Business Suite database user.
Note: This only applies to users listed in the
FND_ORACLE_USERID table, not database users in general.
-a - Changes all Oracle (ALLORACLE) passwords (except the passwords of APPS,
APPLSYS, APPLSYSPUB) to the same password, in the same way as the
-l - Locks individual {ORACLE_USER} users (except required schemas). {TRUE} =
-L - Locks all Oracle (ALLORACLE) users (except required schemas). {TRUE} =
-s {APPLSYS} - Changes the password for the APPLSYS user and the APPS user.
This requires the execution of AutoConfig on all tiers.
-h - Displays help.

[appsvis@erptest out]$ AFPASSWD -o okc
Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library 'APPSUSER':
Connected successfully to APPS.
Enter the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema:
Connected successfully to SYSTEM.
Enter new password for user [okc]:
Verify new password for user [okc]:
Password is changed successfully for user okc.
AFPASSWD completed successfully.
[appsvis@erptest out]$ AFPASSWD -f hyder
Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library 'APPSUSER':
Connected successfully to APPS.
Enter new password for user [hyder]:
Verify new password for user [hyder]:
Password is changed successfully for user hyder.
Password is changed successfully for user hyder.
AFPASSWD completed successfully.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to execute Gather schema from backend

exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('AP',options=>'GATHER',estimate_percent =>DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);
To execute the corresponding FND_STATS procedures from SQL*Plus to gather CBO stats for one or all schemas, or for a particular table, use the following examples:
# sqlplus apps/<apps_pwd>
SQL> exec fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('MRP');      <- One schema
SQL> exec fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('ALL');      <- All schemas
SQL> exec fnd_stats.gather_table_stats('MRP','MRP_FORECAST_DATES'); <- One table
SQL> begin            <- Partitioned table
  2      fnd_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname     => 'APPLSYS',
  3                                   tabname     => 'WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES',
  4                                   granularity => 'PARTITION');
  5  end;
  6  /

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

Cause: The address specified is not valid, or the program being connected to does not exist.

Action: If the protocol is TCP/IP, edit the TNSNAMES.ORA file to change the host name to a numeric IP address and try again

Monday, May 7, 2012

Add Arabic Languae in Oralce R12.1.x

Theses are the steps for adding  Arabic language:
1. Active the language:
   From Oracle Application Manager, go to License manger and activate to Arabic    language   
2. Run Multi-lingual Tables:
   From AD Administration, run Multi-lingual Tables (AD Administration
   Main Menu >Maintain Applications Database Entities Menu)
3. Apply NLS patch 6678700_AR  for the Arabic language by adpatch.
4. Run the Translation Synchronization patch utility (
   Create and submit a manifest using the form provided in Oracle meta link, select the Get Latest Translations check box option.
5. Apply translation Synchronization Patch (TSP).
6. Install the Release 12 NLS help

How to generate a debug file in OM

  1. Set the following profile options:
    OM: Debug Level - set to 5
    OM: Debug Log Directory - any directory that can be written to by the database
    To check, run the following SQL statement:
    select value from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir'
    Set profile option OM: Debug Log Directory at the Site & Application Level.
  2. In the Sales Orders form go to Tools -> Debug and select 'Write to a File'.
    Note: Later versions of the Sales Order form do not have this option. Simply click on Tools and check the Debug box. This will print out a file name - NOTE down this file name (the first letter in the file name is lower case 'L').
  3. Perform the action you wish to debug.
  4. Go to Tools -> Debug and select 'Turn Debug Off' to complete debugging. Or on later form versions just uncheck Debug.
  5. After you have completed generating the debug file, please set the value of the profile OM: Debug Level back to 0, otherwise there will be some performance impact. Retrieve the debug file from the directory specified in step 1.