Sunday, April 22, 2012

FRM-41051 You cannot create records here in Projects Events

when user navigation Projects-> Events ->Projects and New

FRM-41051 You cannot create records here

Solution :
PA: Cross Project User -- Update = YES  (responsibliity level)

Change status button disable at responsibilitiy level in projects

Change status button disable at responsibilitiy level in projects

solution ; attache the sub menu to responsibility

Project Status Function Security Menu

Samba not able to access with user

1.[root@erptest home]# cd /shared/rpm/
2.[root@erptest rpm]# ls
3.[root@erptest rpm]# system-config-samba
4. close on preferences
6. add user
7. and bounce ther samba sercer  $ service smb restart


Samba server configureation

Server side configuration

1.      Login as root on Linux User
2.      Check VNC packages are installed or not as shown below
Results showing that we have required packages

3.      Now check smb, portmap, xinetd should be made on.(You can select by clicking the spacebar)

4.      Now restart the smb, portmap and  xinetd  service.
5.      To keep the services after reboot
#chkconfig  portmap on   
#chkconfig  xinetd on     
#chkconfig  samba on        
6.      Create a OS User
#useradd dvis
#passwd dvis
7.      Open /etc/samba/smb.conf
vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

8.      By default name of the workgroup is MYGROUP  in smb.conf. We can change it with desired name.
9.      Share $XXARG_TOP/forms/US & $AU_TOP/ forms/US  for user dvis – so go in the end of line  add the following

Clinet side configuration

  1. Go to windows system ping the samba server, check the workgroup you given is correct.
  2. If not change & restart the system
3.      After reboot open my network place here you can see samba server, if not go to RUN  enter
             \\ipaddress of samba server.
4.      It will ask for username & password:

OEM Issue after dbca database otions

if issue with ralated secure or em key
1.emctl status emkey -sysman_pwd argprod4 sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/
3.RepManager proddb 1521 PROD -action drop
4.emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Event Alert Does Not Fire Or Check Event Alert ( ALECTC ) Concurrent Request Does Not Start [ID 1261925.1]

Event Alert Does Not Fire Or Check Event Alert ( ALECTC ) Concurrent Request Does Not Start [ID 1261925.1] unable to connect to database  to upgrade forms from 6i to 10g forms ..getting error to connect database .

 Solution : or , is executed it resets the TNS_ADMIN to $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
go to $ORACLE_HOME/bin (10.1.2 )
See the following from the scripts:
export TNS_ADMIN
and change to
export TNS_ADMIN

Ref: 431324.1

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

OEM Configuration

how to create OEM in 11g

1.check the oratab (/etc/oratab)
2.check oraInst.loc (/etc/oraInst) dbca
4.chose database configuration options(if it is disable then need to check oratab
5.provide all email if want
6.dedicated server

if issue with ralated secure or em key
1.emctl status emkey -sysman_pwd argprod4 sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/
3.RepManager proddb 1521 PROD -action drop
4.emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create

How To Drop, Create And Recreate the Database Control (DB Control) Release 10g and 11g [ID 278100.1]

How to Register the Master GDF Diagnostic as a Concurrent Program

Registering The Concurrent Program(s)

There are 2 concurrent programs that can be defined
  1. AP Data Validation Report
  2. AP Single Transaction Data Validation Report
The first will allow you to schedule and run a concurrent process which will scan all transactions in a date range within specified operating units for any data integrity issues.  The second concurrent program will allow you to specify individual invoice and/or check transaction ID's for validation.

The simplest and quickest method for defining these concurrent processes in your instance is to upload the definition from the files below using FNDLOAD.

These files can then be used to upload the concurrent program definitions using the following FNDLOAD command substituting in the correct password and ldt file name:

FNDLOAD apps/<appspw> 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct <ldtfilename> CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE

diagnostic script ap_gdf_detect_pgk.sql of AP

This diagnostic script ap_gdf_detect_pgk.sql  to identify known data integrity issues within your Payables application
1.Download the file . This file contains the package definition file ap_gdf_detect_pkg.sql as well as two wrapper scripts which can be used to submit the detection procedures:
  • single_trx.sql: This script can be used to submit the validation procedure for a single transaction.
  • date_range.sql This script will submit the validation procedure for a range of dates within specified operating units
2.First you must run the script ap_gdf_detect_pkg.sql as user APPS to create the package definition.  This is required each time you download a new version of the script.  Then you can run one of the wrapper files as described below.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Retry Payroll Run concurrent program fails with below error

   APP-PAY-06860: Specified payroll is invalid.
   Cause:        The Payroll specified does not exist.

  RetroPay concurrent program fails with below error

  APP-PAY-06862: An invalid number of arguments has been specified for this
  Cause: Either too few or too many arguments have been
  specified for the current process.

Solution : Apply patch 9863804

Ref:  1264959.1

Saturday, April 14, 2012

HRMS read only

we can provide HR data only read only mode with profile
HR:Query Only Mode   to  yes
either at  user level or at responsibilitiy level .

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

WebADI Run-time error'1004' Method 'VBProject' of object '_Workbook' failed


Run-time error '1004':

Method 'VBProject' of Object'_Workbook' Failed
this issue reproduce when downloading the excel sheet via webADI .

In Excel 2003:
go to "Tools" > "Macro" > "Security" and select the "Trusted Sources" tab.  Check the box next to "Trust access to Visual Basic Project".
(Note: The box for "Trust all installed add-ins and templates" should also be checked.)

In Excel 2007, use the following navigation:
  • Click on the Office button in the upper left corner
  • Click on the Excel Options button
  • On the left, click on the Trust Center
  • Click on the Trust Center Settings button
  • On the left, click on Macro Settings
  • Click on "Trust access to the VBA project object model"
Ref: 376013.1

Monday, April 9, 2012

XML Concurrent Request with warning...

All xml concurrent requests completing with Warning

solution : increase  process of concurrent manager "Output Post Processor"

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Automatic Asset Numbering Skips Numbers

Issue : Asset numbers appear to be skipping by a multiples of 20 or some other number

Solution :
 The following command will change the CACHE_SIZE to 0:  
           alter sequence fa_additions_s nocache; 
Ref: 1036833.6

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Unable to authenticate session in R12 at login

1.Open a new explorer window using its own session cookie by selecting File -> New Session from the Menu Bar in an existing browser window. (IE9 Users may have to enable the Menu Bar first by right clicking the browser header frame and selecting Menu Bar.)
2.Run from the command line adding the -noframemerging parameter e.g. Start -> Run -> iexplore -noframemerging
3.Create a new IE8 icon adding the -noframemerging parameter e.g.
4.Start -> Program Files
5.Right click on the Internet Explorer icon and select Properties
6.Add -noframemerging to the end of the link in the Target field e.g."C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -noframemerging
7..Click the OK button to close the window
8.This icon may then be copied to the desktop if desired

R12: Using IE8 to access two EBS Instances runs in error "Unable To Authenticate Session" [ID 1098563.1]

Printer configuration :network printer configuration in Linux

1.Install the CUPS
2.Open the CUPS Web interface by typing
"http://localhost:631/" into a browser window.

3.Click "Add Printer" under the Administration tab
4.Type the name of the networked printer as it is named on
the server.printer name as same as machine name in test
print in windows UNNI1
5.Type a location. This could be the IP address of the
6 .Add a description. This can be anything or it can be
left blank.
7.Choose "Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)" from the
"Device" drop-down menu.
8. Device: select "AppSocket/HP JetDirect"
9.Device URI: socket:// ip)
11.Driver : HP Leser Jet 4050
12. provide root password
13.Click "Print Test Page."